Saturday, October 17, 2009

-Passion: Love/Hate

I found my passion in life. I was lucky enough to find it at a young age. It's something I live. It's with me, where ever I go. It's my passion...but passion is more than love. It's hatred! If it wasn't for this, maybe I would take life a little more seriously. I wouldn't sit in a car for 12 hours, just so I can sing-a-long to my favorite song. Or climb up to the top of a mound of people, like it was a game of King of the Hill. Even dive off a stage into a pool of sweaty human flesh. I could take the time I use to travel to keep building the relationships I had and have.I could save the money to buy a fancy education, that my teachers so kindly have told me that I need to be both: happy and successful. I wouldn't have hatred and enemies in my life if it wasn't for this. I might even have a nice and steady job. This is something I hate. It's something I love. This isn't a love/hate relationship. It's passion... And what is passion without hate? "What is passion? It is surely the becoming of a person." -John Boorman Everybody needs a passion to live for. Someone, somewhere has something they live for! They will die for it. Everybody lives to die, why not die to live? Find something that will never die. Memories my friend, are forever. "Where you pleasure is, there is your treasure, where your treasure, there your heart: where your heart, there's your happiness." -St. Augustine

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