Saturday, October 17, 2009

-National Edge Day

Was a pretty sad day in my opinion. This is the 10th year celebrated. Happy Egde Day! She's a song unsung, she's the wild orchid in your ugly swamp =[

-Passion: Love/Hate

I found my passion in life. I was lucky enough to find it at a young age. It's something I live. It's with me, where ever I go. It's my passion...but passion is more than love. It's hatred! If it wasn't for this, maybe I would take life a little more seriously. I wouldn't sit in a car for 12 hours, just so I can sing-a-long to my favorite song. Or climb up to the top of a mound of people, like it was a game of King of the Hill. Even dive off a stage into a pool of sweaty human flesh. I could take the time I use to travel to keep building the relationships I had and have.I could save the money to buy a fancy education, that my teachers so kindly have told me that I need to be both: happy and successful. I wouldn't have hatred and enemies in my life if it wasn't for this. I might even have a nice and steady job. This is something I hate. It's something I love. This isn't a love/hate relationship. It's passion... And what is passion without hate? "What is passion? It is surely the becoming of a person." -John Boorman Everybody needs a passion to live for. Someone, somewhere has something they live for! They will die for it. Everybody lives to die, why not die to live? Find something that will never die. Memories my friend, are forever. "Where you pleasure is, there is your treasure, where your treasure, there your heart: where your heart, there's your happiness." -St. Augustine

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

D.T.E Realization

"I'm gonna go out on a limb. In the fact that I purely know you off small conversation. But I'm way big on feeding off energy and what peoples eyes say. And if that girl is gonna be an idiot and have those insecurities when your eyes are fucking retardedly in to her then I should sock her in the mouth and tell her to stop it. It's were true. I don't know, I'm just sayin... people just need to open their eyes some days. But hey maybe its all for the best. But I can see it and I don't even know shit. And pictures... can't lie. When you grow up you stop looking, you just see." Those words are from a girl I met in Denver on my trip, late September. We talked for about an half hour and she got all of that from us talking about relationships and later looking at photographs of my ex and I. Come to find out, she is one of the most down to earth people I've met. She does a lot more than just listen to what you have to say. She reads into your words and takes them in. If you can't get that from just reading, you have problems my friend. The girl in the photograph, is this girl Sara. She inspires me in a different. She is a normal human being like myself. Yet her writing is not human. It reaches so many levels in such a short period of time. She's not a house hold name. But she defiantly deserves a place up on that shelf. What do these two people that have never met, have to do with me? They interest me. They makes me want to better myself. They let me know, that there are still Down To Earth people out there. This is just Realization!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So here's a story about a city with a secret. Everyone here is the life of the party and everyone who's anyone is every one's biggest fan. If they've got what you need. Everyone whispers and sends out a secret nod. The congregation's in 5 minutes "Meet me in the bathroom." Or maybe tonight the lines will get drawn right in front of you. The life you live is a life of stupidity. Like those on pages of a Hollywood magazine. See the stars in your eyes and the glamor you'll never see because you live on your knees. Money burns like your nose, you comfort yourself and stay in the smoke screen. You've found true love inside an empty scene. You live in a bad dream. She's just searching for acceptance, and he's afraid, but still puts himself out there. They all came in search of a good time. Approaching the night with closed eyes. Pull the shades down, to hide the beautiful person you are on the inside. Your photocopied reflection: distorting your actual size. You live in a bad dream. -Everyone has a favorite song, usually I have a top five. But this one takes the cake

Saturday, October 10, 2009

-Down and Personnal

I've watched the world end from rooftops that house the cities birds. I've seen beauty in the darkest alleyways. I've witnessed a kind of death that doesn't stop the heart, or release the soul from it's anchored down ship. It's a death you feel inside. It's only when you've lost all hope within yourself. I've watched strangers fall in love with simply a smile. I've met humanity in a place that's forgotten. I have dealt out depression, and disappointment all by myself. I know low life pieces of shit human beings, that are the most loyal and dedicated friends. I am human being. I may not have a fancy education that's going to help my career and take me to the top of some big fancy office. But I've lived experiences your college degree can't buy. I've met people you can only read about in books. At 18 years in life. I have met the one who got away. I've still got the creativity and imagination of a child who wants to be a fireman when he grows up. I write the things strangers, my friends and family can relate too. I've felt the love and warmth of being home, over 1,000 miles away from my bed. I live life through photographs and words. Neither of these things can ever lie. Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things. -Denis Diderot

Friday, October 2, 2009

Where the Heart is

Born and raised; but far from dead and buried. A place where childhood friends and longterm memories were made. Somewhere I love to come back home too, but hate to wake up too everyday. It's a place I will never forget. It itself has my heart.